Sharing Is Caring! ♥ Thank You!

Raise your hand if all of the sad, bad, fearful news and changes have taken their toll on you. These recent days following the arrival of Covid-19 worldwide have impacted us in a multitude of ways. I don’t know about you, but I need a laugh! If you do too, I hope this post brings a strong shot of laughter medicine your way!

I need to laugh - do you?

Always find a reason to laugh. It may not add years to your life, but will surely add life to your years! – Love, Holly ♥ #laughter #memes #funnymemes #funniest #funny #blogger #funnyvideos #mentalhealth

when you're at work trying to stay positive meme

when people sing happy birthday to you meme

when you already started eating and someone says lets pray

dairy queen meme

when 3 people talk all at once

I'm into fitness meme

quarantine haircut

I need a laugh
This is my favorite! 😂

Allegra! Anita! Odessa! Oh, Whatever!

Confused by all those confounded smart speaker gadgets these days? Amazon Echo Silver is just what you need! 😂 Well….”I don’t know about that!

are you getting enough rest meme

what I think I look like asleep meme

when you thought you were done arguing with your man meme

your butt napkins, my Lord

me trying to figure out how wash your hands translates to buy all the toilet papers

Mmm, Yum!

This little girl cracked me up! Happens to the best of us, I suppose. I think I’ll pass on this particular spaghetti, though. What about you? “I’m okay!” 😂

I need to laugh: sometimes I start a sentence and I don't even know where it's going.  I just hope I find it along the way.

Laugh Loud, Laugh Often!

Did I get a laugh out of you today? Better yet, I hope you got one of those amazing belly laughs that almost hurt!

If you leave here feeling better than you came, I’ve done my job! Just thinking of your day being better makes me smile.

There’s no denying it; these are crazy times we’re living in! It’s in these moments, we’ve got to ‘go back to basics‘ and find even the simplest of pleasures that bring us joy.

What strikes your funny bone every time? I’d really love to hear from you in the comments below!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you do to support me here at Wholeness Haven. I appreciate each and every one of you! Thank you for sharing! ♥

For more posts to tickle your funny bone, take a look at these fellow blogging friends:

All My Love,

wholeness haven

Sharing Is Caring! ♥ Thank You!


  1. *Raising both hands above my head & nodding vigorously* Yep, huge laughter injection definitely needed!

    I love that quite of yours about laughter > “It may not add years to your life, but will surely add life to your years!”. That’s brilliant! As are these funnies. You’ve found some amazing ones, great for testing how strong our bladders are (or aren’t!) 😂😂😂

    That little monkey on the top row, he’s so cute and weird at the same time! The Dairy Queen sign is good; I remember seeing this one before and I love it, but it makes me it – there needs to be an apostrophe with “it’s awkward”. These things shouldn’t bother me as much as they do! 😂

    That sloth’s haircut is brilliant. It actually looks so much like someone I used to know, but I’m pretty sure they paid a small fortune to get that bowl cut style! I’ll have to show my parents that one when I offer to cut their hair.

    I think there’s a tiny bit chopped off one of the memes. The one with the gawwwwgeous little golden retriever/lab puppy asleep. I could look at his little face all day. Such a sweetie. But that cat next to him with with the white fur and huge eyes might just give me nightmares.

    Aww that little girl with the spaghetti. Reminded me a bit of the girl with the lemon juice. That innocence and sweetness, even when there’s something utterly revolting and they’re trying hard to put on a brave face!

    Thank you for the lightness, these were MUCH needed. And I’m sure I speak for many of us when I say that!

    Have a restful weekend, Holly, with plenty of reasons to smile & giggle too xx

    1. I hear you about the HUGE laughter injection needed. Hopefully I gave you a big ol’ shot of happy goodness my friend!

      Reading your reply definitely gave me a shot of laughter! I got a good laugh reading about how the Dairy Queen sign should have an apostrophe. “These things shouldn’t bother me as much as they do!” — You are hilarious! I’ve got good news for you – you’re not alone! Grammatical errors bother me a lot of times too. I’ve always heard writers are weird in their own fantastic sort of way. Is that our excuse? 😂

      Your entire paragraph about the sloth’s haircut honest to goodness cracked me up! “I’m pretty sure they paid a small fortune to get that bowl haircut.” – 😁🤣 — I bet you’re right! Those bowl hair cuts were all the rage for a very long time. You know how trends always go away and then come back ’round! ha ha. ‘The Bowl’ is back in style, baby… oh yeah!!

      I’m glad you told me about the one meme being chopped off, thank you! When I originally created this post – I was trying to ‘tidy the memes’ by keeping them grouped in a gallery format. Then when I checked the mobile version, they were all chopped up. (sigh) I wound up having to go to a standard in-line format, which I don’t like as much. Oh well, technology will do what it does!

      😂😂😂 – Have you been seeing the white cat in your nightmares Caz? I so sorry! You have to admit though – that cat is funny! It scared me that I could relate so well to it!! “Sleep? Huh?”

      I agree with you about the little girl too. She really was trying to boost her mom’s cooking ego. I couldn’t decide if mom was pulling a prank on her daughter. Or, if the spaghetti really was *that* horrific! Either way, it was just too cute/funny not to share!

      As always, YOU have brightened my day & made me laugh. In all sincerity, thank you Caz for being you & for always having such amazing comments. I appreciate you! Sending love, light & big hugs your way! I hope you are getting some much needed rest and some fun thrown in for good measure this weekend yourself! ♥

  2. Oh Holly, that SNL clip about the Amazon Alexa had me cracking up! When my parents first got theirs, my Pop called it Alexis and it wouldn’t respond. My Mom finally told him ‘her’ name is Alexa. Thanks for sharing all these; you gave me a good laugh today. Have a fabulous weekend sweet friend! Hugs!

    1. Terri, I 100% agree with Caz! Your story is adorable. I can see your Mom looking at her husband with eyes rolled, thinking, “Good grief honey, ‘her’ name is Alexa! Get it straight.” 😂 It’s funny, because our folks did the same! That’s part of the reason I had to share this video for anyone who hadn’t seen it.

      I’m smiling big with gratitude that you enjoyed! Sending much love, many hugs and prayers that your weekend has been amazing. Thank you, as always, for your thoughtful comments. I appreciate you! ♥

      1. It’s so funny, because when I took it down to them (because my Mom had said she’d like to try it) my Pop didn’t seem too thrilled with it. Now they like to ask ‘her’ stuff just for entertainment.😊 I hope you had a wonderful weekend sweet friend. Sending love and hugs your way!

    1. 😀 It has absolutely made my day hearing this from you! Thank you sweet friend for letting me know you got some much needed laughs. 🤗 I pray there are many more days of joy & laughter coming your way!

    1. Hi, Liz! You are most certainly welcome! It’s great to hear from you! Thank YOU for letting me know you laughed. You’ve made my day! ♥

  3. Thank you so much for this post! I love it very much, so good to laugh—not just smile but a deep laughter. I love the sleeping dogs, the sloth haircut, the toilet paper holder, too many to mention! 💖😂🌷🤗

    1. Hi, Judy!! You are most certainly welcome. Thank YOU for taking the time to let me know you enjoyed this post! And from the bottom of my heart, thank you for sharing it on your blog! I am grateful for you. WordPress didn’t send me a notification that you had re-blogged, for some reason. When I saw it on your blog, I was surprised! 😊 You really brightened my day!

      You’re right, deep laughter is so healing, isn’t it? Now, more than ever, we need the joy in our hearts. Everything around us is trying to conspire to steal our happiness and peace. We must fight back, pray, and keep on laughing every chance we get! Our joy is contagious. It’s one of the most precious gifts we can give in these insane times!

      Thank you for your amazing comment. I appreciate you! 🤗 Sending love, hugs & well wishes your way!

  4. I like the sloth’s haircut – in fact I think it looks pretty good. I also like the “what I think I look like / what I actually look like! Very funny. 😃
    I love watching US comedies such as Friends, Frasier, and Everybody loves Raymond. And I’m currently getting my laughter pill from watching an old British comedy called “My Family”. Absolutely hilarious.

    1. 🤣 You are too funny, Carol! There are a many of person sitting in the barber/beautician chair right now paying to get that bowl cut! You & I both know every ‘trend’ leaves us for awhile and rolls right back around!

      “My Family” sounds interesting! I’ve not heard of it. British comedies are unique in their humor and I really appreciate that. I miss that classic, clean, witty humor from the black and white TV days. So much has changed, and not for the better, in my humble opinion. 😊 Though, like you said, there are still some amazing comedies to be seen. I’m grateful you took the time to let me know what you find funny. I enjoyed learning more about you!

      Sending much love your way, my friend. I hope you know how much I value and appreciate you! ♥

  5. That little girl is gorgeous!
    That sentence sounds like me. Start a sentence and hope I find it along the way…
    Happy Sunday!!
    Love, light and glitter

    1. Isn’t she adorable, Eliza? 😊 She was trying so hard to help her mama out! What a cutie pie with a heart of encouragement.

      Ha ha, I know exactly what you mean about the sentence. Perhaps we can blame it on our creative brains doing their best work? Whatever it may be, you’re a blessing so I’m grateful you take the time to find the sentence!

      Happy Sunday, my friend. Love, light & glitter right back to you! ♥ I hope you are well?

      1. I like Ellentube kids videos which I watched on youtube.

        I love children. They’re so innocent and refreshing. They hopefully aren’t jaded.

        Definitely blame it on creativity! Why not???

        Happy Monday! I hope this week brings goodness to us all.

  6. These are so funny!! That little girl and her spaghetti is hilarious! With the way life is right now, a good laugh is always needed. Thank you for making me laugh today!! Hugs!!

    1. Isn’t that little girl hilarious? Her little encouraging spirit was just too cute not to share. I still can’t decide if mama was pranking her daughter? Or if that meal was truly that disgusting? God bless her heart — so sweet!

      I’m smiling knowing that I could bring some laughs your way. I agree with you – life really has been outrageous. Even when it comes to matters not related to the pandemic. It has just been a whirlwind of chaos. 🤗 BIG hugs and much love heading straight to you!

    1. Oh how I love hearing from you, sweet friend! Thank you so much for letting me know you got a great laugh and for sharing this with your friend! You made my day hearing this! 🤗 Sending an abundance of love and blessings your way!

    1. Aw Geri, you made me smile a big ol’ smile! Thank you for warming my heart right up this morning with your comment. I’m grateful your day was a bit easier because of the good laughs.

  7. Make me laugh? I don’t know about that! 😛 😛 😛 Yeah, the Amazon one was my favourite! And I think the pic about starting a sentence and hoping to find the rest of it along the way is pretty much how I am feeling these days, ha ha ha ha!

    Love this post, Holly. Thank you so much for sharing these <3

    In these trying times we definitely need to remember to laugh 🙂
    Much love to you, my inspiring and incredible friend <3

    1. 🤣 Wasn’t that Amazon Alexa Silver hilarious? It was just too good not to share! It makes me smile to hear you got some good laughter from it too. That’s all I could hope for!

      Oh yes! I hear you about starting a sentence and hoping to find it along the way. You are not alone! 🤗 I’d say you do a great job at finding them, though. Your words are always thoughtful and inspirational. Never doubt that!

      Much love to you, my sweet friend and sister. I’m grateful for your love & support. You’re amazing! ♥

  8. I needed this today! There are so many hilarious quotes and memes out there, and this collection made me chuckle many times over. I love the ‘therapy dog’ one and the toilet paper humor.

  9. Thanks for such a fun list, Holly! Now more than ever we need more laughter, so I really enjoyed having some giggles here with this post. I especially liked the “fitness” one with the pizza haha 😉 I hope you’re staying safe, and wishing you a day of feeling loved, as you deserve xxoo

    1. Aw, Christy! I just love you to pieces and am so grateful for your friendship and thoughtful comments. Thank you so much for taking the time to share some giggles with me! 😉 I agree with you – that “fitness whole pizza in my mouth” dog was cute!

      Sending my love to you, dear friend. I pray you and your loved ones are staying safe and well. My hope is that you too feel incredibly loved this day and always. You certainly deserve the very best! 😘

  10. It was spaghetti not spinach. She’s adorable. But I hope she doesn’t have a problem with eating. I had a problem when I was a child. I liked it better when I thought she was trying spinach for the first time.

I Love Hearing From You!

Holly G.

Hi, I'm Holly! Lover of my husband, the Lord, nature and animals (especially cats!) I'm an INFJ (MBTI) which means I love deeply and care about the well-being of those around me and in this world.

I hope to hear from you at one of my sites. God bless! ♥

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